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Menage a Troi (audio attached)
From: Marc Thomas
Hi trekTV Friends, I was talking to my other friends, Doctor Fritz and Mister Locke last Thursday. We have a video chat once a week and have done so for about ten years and the reason we started doing that, talking every week via futuristic TVphone, wuzcuz we wanted to listen to Trek TV together. Or rather they were bitterly jealous of me for having trekTV friends and wanted crash the party. As veterans, therefore, of social distanceing, or misanthropes, we, three, were smug to gloat over the rest world's discovery of video chat for their-Johnny-Come-Lately-Selves. It's been great to see a profusion of apps because when Google+ died taking Hangouts with it, we were left a drift finding then abandoning a series of shitty Skype-alikes. Now,we've settled on Google Duo and you? Hi trekTV Friends, I was trying to get this letter to you before you recorded again, despite my sincere affection for the reverberent introduction which has occasionally preceded my late arriving mp3mails Oh, I remember this one. When I was a young man in the 80's I didn't care for Luxana much. But now I'm old. I probably am Luxana...I should look at my notes on her earlier appearances to see if I've already made that joke. Yes children, that was a joke. Majel was in everything Roddenbury did, not just Trek but his failed scifi pilots like Genesis 2 and The Questor tapes. Later she's be involved in Earth Final Conflict, which was a Roddenbury take on the "Childhood's End" thing. After her husband's passing she produced "Andromeda" which was a show about a spaceman trying to reboot a fallen Federation type of pyramid scheme. There was a thread of common ideas running through Roddenbiry's work and she knew how to promulgate his core themes Oh and this is the one where Patty Stu gets to get his Shakey on. I once went to Stratford Upon Avon, The Bard's hometown. It's also neartowhere the filming of Teletubbies which I consider to be Trek cannon, occured. I always imagined an episode where Kirk destroys their culture, even though they share Starfleets wardrobe palette of primary colors. I could go on but.... MARC