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From: Data Logan
I took a little umbridge at the characterization in your recent episode of Libertarianism being "crazy". The core belief of Libertarianism is "don't initiate harm". Doesn't seem too crazy to me. But, as you discussed a bit on your show, where the line is between liberty and harm can sometimes be confusing and unclear. After listening to your show for years, I feel like we agree way more than we disagree, but I am a bit more Libertarian than you guys. For instance, I would defend the baker's right to not have to use his artistic genius in a way that disagrees with his own beliefs (even though I also happen to very much disagree with that belief of his). I have spent many weeks/months of my life considering the question of where to draw the line between individual freedom and the possible "harm to others/society". I fall very much on the side of the individual, while preserving the idea that society can sometimes limit the liberty of an individual for the greater good. But only in pretty stringent cases. I envision a society and governmental structure set up to very much side with the individual, while still acknowledging the needs of the society in extreme circumstances. Wanna know my thoughts more? Feel free to read the attached, which I am also very willing to discuss. BTW, this is not meant to be any real kind of critique on your show or you. I love the show. You guys are great. I'm just joining in the conversation. And it is alright to use my full name, though I'm not sure you'd want to burden most of your listeners with this kind of detailed analysis. Data Logan