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Mentant's Dog Buys vHS (audio attached)
From: Marc Thomas
Hi Trek TV Friends, There exists a slight relatability gap 'tween Treks and me. I don't really live a normal professional life, I like my job but there's no mobility within a hierarchy to explore and I'm cool with that. It was always difficult for me to picture my place in Star Fleet. I'm pretty sure I'd be watching Star Trek on TV even if I lived in The Federation. In all too real life, that I may avoid the tribulations of employment via labor, I have, for the past 20 years, functioned as a service animal to a 'mentant' Ever read Dune? Well, maybe do. The point is, my client likes to go to thrift stores daily and he always looks for one category of merchandise. Star Trek on VHS. Sometimes there is a fellow traveler there among the stacks. Occasions such as which I am often left worse for ware. In any case, I come home with a VHS in hand daily and have accoumilated more than I can easily contain. To any college kids out there working towards a Psych or Social Work degree, that might be a fertile topic, ripe for a thesis. Star Trek's Appeal to People with Autism. It is, to coin phrase, fascinating. Star Trek always features a character whose role is to learn human social niceties, such as allowing another some one to view the ancient and discarded media. This is why I am watching TNG Season Three on VHS. I have enough Star Trek VHS Video Cassette Tapes to grout together into a Star Trek VHS Video Cassette Tape log cabin which is, after all, my back-up plan. At some point I may record each and every episode of Trek TV onto individual audio cassettes and donate them to the Goodwill, to become an amazing find for a lucky random someone. Yours in neurological curiosity, Marc