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Fan Art I Can't Do
From: Marc Thomas
Hi Trek TV Friends Kick ass new fan art. George’s entribbled Tracy was wonderful and wholey shit…Christopher's photoshoppery sure puts mine to shame, so cool. I’ve not the foggiest how that’s done. When I last took a class in cybertronic art pixelated Donkey Kong imagery was the pinnacle of the field and my school couldn’t afford a computer so we had to use a Light Bright. I'd love to see him do a downloaded Tracy. I've been swamped with a 120 illustartion amateur sci fi audiobook project which takes place of Uranus lately and so I am very glad whenever someone who is not me contributes to Trek TV’s fan art page. You guys rock so hard!!! Here’s some ideas I dont have time to execute but wish, someone who does, would. Hello Kitty style Klingons or perhaps something in a hyper cute manga. I’ve tried to do this and couldn’t. I wound up making that Hippy Klingon as the Mirror Universe’s answer to our own Qo'noSian’s nervous martial virility, but (what that Japaneese word for cute?) would have been waay better than mellow man. Share screen caps of your Mine Craft Trek Mods. What ever that means. Ten years olds know, especially if they’re boys. Expounding on Georges idea,Starship crewmates nude and but well tribble-merkined , ideally this would be a long term project refreshed from time to time by George himself.. BACKSTORY….. perhaps some sort of space lice type parasite propagated by one of Harry Mudd’s madcap schemes gone haywire is remedied for a price by Cyrano Jones. Its a crime against humanity that those two characters were never resurrected for TNG. Print out Tracy’s line drawings of the TTV crew and make a coloring book. I may have suggested that before. If so its because its a great idea. RIFF...maybe make them part of the kids menu at a local greasy spoon. Scan and send the jam stained aftermath. Someone please do a fan art featuring Jared’s prog rock band “Lingering On The Size of My Oaf” I think there should be a ‘Download Jared and Photoshop Him’ challenge. Remake Arriana Grande’s “Break Free” Video, Trekkified further and starring someone old and monsterously homely. Some one please sculpt a 10.17 meter high marble statue of their favorite Tracy pose then stick it in Florence Italy where it will tower over Michelangelo’s ‘David’. Send a picture. Glad to hear a new Julep is forthcoming. (At this point Dr Fritz starts performing his own version of the aforementioned Disney Pop Tart's popular choreography which alarms Mr Locke and Me because in so doing he demonstrates that at least one of my ideas in simply terrible.) Marc