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Fan Mail from Columbus
From: Seth
Trek TV Crew, This is my first email to you guys, but I have been listening for some time. It will probably be quite long, so I'd recommend only reading the first and last paragraphs on the show (or at all). I tried to prepare myself by watching the coming episode "The Arsenal of Freedom". I can't say as I remember the debut episode, as I was only three and in a household that wasn't in to any part of "Star Trek". The first time I saw this was on a movie binge in 2005. Movie Madness, a movie emporium, in Portland, OR served as a starting point for a myriad of film/TV including the first 6 seasons of TNG. I remember this episode quite a bit compared to the others. Perhaps it's because of the role of Vincent Schiavelli, may he rest in peace. I remember him most from the movie "Ghost", and he still creeps me the fuck out. I'm sure the hell that awaits me would laugh that I could compare my greatest fear to a balding, curly-haired, ring eyed Sicilian. However hell has been known to disagree with many things. My point is that I enjoy how TNG made a creepy man into a dangerous salesman. I think it adds a lot to the show to utilize character actors in such a manner. I also enjoy the cheap jungle scenery of the episode. One of my childhood friends was always watching crap like that on the Syfy Channel. One such show "The Land of the Giants", always seemed to have those cheap fake plants. It helps me to get into the mood. It's also nice to see Geordi doing so well and getting into an argument with that dick, Chief Engineer Logan, who appears to have come from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. The only major complaint I have is of Crusher. I just can't get over that damn 80s hair. It's cheap of me to put such emphasis on hair, but it screams the times - Reagan, crack, and my birth. Of course Tasha is a bummer too. As often pointed out by Valeria Loveland in "The Gamma Quadrant" podcast, the women warriors of Star Trek are often trite and seem to have more bark than bite. Everyone talks about how great they are (these women warriors), but usually they're just overly hard. Your podcast is great! I wouldn't mind making a donation now that I actually have money, but I did sign up for the patronage since a one time donation doesn't seem doable. My favorite part of what you do is point out the flaws and make jokes. You also usually seem well-prepared for the cast, which is something others seem to lack. Even your diatribes and digressions are at least clearly not Star Trek instead of some random aspect from another series or episode. I read some douche-bag complain that you were overly critical on iTunes, but I think that's what makes you great. Star Trek should be about more than buying the toys and dressing up. Keep on rockin'! Cranky in Columbus