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11001001 Fast Then Slow
From: Marc Thomas
Welcome back from Ozmocon and your parental unit visitation. This mp3, beamed to you after your return from those events and the "Double one, double oh, one, double oh again, one" again review which opened with an alienating performance art piece "trek tv, orange, trek tv, orange…" instead of the usually internal clipping. I dug that hardcore, kids. Notable, that episode also for its email content. Wow. I had a bad cold …so stoked to have Constable Speaker back on the beat and beatin' back crime. The criminal fans of double T&V shiver in there timbers as they flee Ottowa in droves. And I way dug, again, Data Logan's essay on generation ships calling back to TOS and the conventions of the trope which inspired "By Any Other Name". It's good to know that if I die Trek TV will still have a reliable source of audio emailage. I can now cancel my planned healthier life style. What's that? Cigerettes and bacon? Dont mind if I do. While I liked the Binars for being relatively imaginative space aliens by Trek standerds, no forehead of the week there, my comments on their episode will focus on Trek's relationship to 20th century popular music. Come to think of it, I could have just as appropriately sent this to Colin's show. (The former will be sped up drastically in audacity then pitched back down to make room for a long pedantic art history lecture while restraining the file's run time to four minutes)