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Peekabu I Hear You (mp3 and jpeg enclosed)
From: Marc Thomas
(My favorite example of Bowie music is the transition from the end of track nine to the beginning of track ten on the Ziggy Stardust LP. My standard “Hi Trek TV Friends” salutation is couched within an homage to this) Hide and Q reminds me of any given episode of 'Bewitched'... what, with a lead character being compelled to forswear the use of magic. If you don't know already, 'Bewitched' was sort of the Sixties version of the Ninties own Sabrina The Teen Aged Witch. Come to think of it Genie from "I Dream of…" was also forbidden by her master the use of strange woo. I always hated that and I dont like Picard telling Riker not to rock his brand, spankin’ new Q mojo. The problem isn't that humanity at large can't handle the responsibility. Riker’s just not one of those people who’s good at coming up with ideas for presents. I feel for him, If I had special powers or money I’d be terrible at birthdays and Christmas too, everyones gonna want something so sweet just becuz you can afford it. As it is, I can usually get away with throwing together a pathetic homeade something or other like a card made outa pasta shells glued to construction paper then offering it with an aire of doe eyed fragility that encourages any but the most sociopathic of recipients to accept it with feigned appreciation. The moral of this story seems to have something to do with the work ethic. Well, fiddle sticks to that. Q shoulda handed his bag o’ tricks to which ever poor schmuck gets stuck mopping up the holideck Q’s gift horse grin wouldn't get a second look from a lower decker The work ethic only works if yer job don’t blow. Otherwise yer a sucker. Fight the Power, man Or not. Maybe this just about the Federation applying the prime directive to itself. I recently audiated an old paperback, Andre Norton’s Star Born, a rare example of this kind of thinking which precedes Trek. It was published in 1957 Cultural and technological non-interference was Roddenburys most distinctive contribution to sci fi,most everything else was borrowed. It represented a mea culpa acknowledging the wests exploitation of the rest of the globes compass points, and his desire that should humanity live long and prosper it wouldn't revisit that history. So its more than fair to endure the same privation we impose on others as we withhold our favors, apprehensive of unforeseen consequences. But it does seem awfully convenient if the ones who reject the new stuff are the ones who are having the most fun with the old stuff. And it does seem kinda lame to shy away from something new just because we’re afraid. If by we I mean the collective you. Me? I endorse fear. Milking our latest meme a bit more this week….. Moose Nuckles, not with standing. This is a drawing of Tracy and a camel so hopefully thats what it looks like. Also, its Holiday Seasontime soon so head over to youtube. Despite popular demand 'How The Bones Stole Christmas' remains an active post aching in vain to become a Yuletide tradition for one and all Oh by the way, another fine innernet Trek show which is doing exactly what you do tweeted a link to Podcast, asking for support. I followed their kindly provided path thru the Web but then I nominated you instead of them. Is that wrong? “..Wham Bam, Trek TV Ma'am” Trick or Treat? Marc