TTV Read
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naked and fully functional
From: Colin H
A long time ago a man invented a little blue pill, this pill meant the male of the human species could keep a stiffy going for ages, or get one for the 1st time in the long time. women where envious, some where happy for obvious reasons, but they to wanted a taste of this unending pleasure, they to wanted to know what it was like to be permanently horny. Then lo hundreds of years later Stsrfleet found that in certain circumstances you simply had to park your starship in orbit near a dying planet or star. once these certain circumstances where met women all over the ship could now have the libido of an unfettered Kirk. They to would know what it was like to have unsatisfiable desire, they to would know what it was like for Kirk to want to shag anything with a pulse. They could have sex with an Android, who unlike a Rampant Rabbit had a massive battery life and was capable of multiple positions. But alas the aphrodisiac qualities of this had a downside and we don't mean the opening of the airlock, oh no once you have had Data or Riker you are damaged beyond repair because until Odo comes along, who of course can become any sex toy you want no one else could have completed with the prowess of Riker and the staying power of Data. Still all good things must come to an end and unlike McCoy who made you get drunk to cure you, Beverly,who was not busy killing a patient this week found a much less mundane cure, an injection. Still you went from one Prick to another. Alas as an audience we are still seeing phase 2 scripts and redo's. thankfully not for long. live long and podcast