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From: Alan
Hey Guys Alan again. I just want to thank you for continuing your podcast. You have know idea how this has lifted my spirits. When you read my email I started crying like a 'Stupid Child', (cause you know all children are dumb.) LOL. Your brain hugs are the warmest thing I have felt for a long time. Anyway, by now you may have just reviewed "The Motionless Picture" I know that Tracy said that she is really excited to start watching the movies. Well maybe after this film anyway. I don't know about you, but I kept thinking that the V'ger probe would just come out and say, "I am Nomad....Are you the creator Kirk?" I mean come on. I know, I'm not the first person that has drawn similarities between the TOS episode and this boring 2 hr+ version of almost the same fucking thing. Sure, there were all the glory shots of the big screen version of the 'Enterprise' flying out of space dock and through the cloud....Zzzzzzz....Oh shit! I nodded off again. Then there were the hair-styles. Yes, I know it was the late 70's and everybody had a perm back then, but come on! I watch the movie now and wonder, "What the fuck were people thinking back then?" Oh wait, sorry its in the future. Not that the day-glow colours and mini skirts and Yeoman Rand's Beehive/Basket-weave hairdo was much better, however I can somehow forgive that, for some silly reason. Then there was our cheery old friend 'Bones' and his hippy medallion and homeless-man beard, Commander Decker's "side-pipe" popping out of his 'Onesie'. I always wanted to know what the hell people sitting in the movie theater thought about this when that came on the big screen? And the shoulder hair on Captain Kirk. Don't remember that on TOS. Then there was Ilia. Did you know she was 'Celibate'? I mean she only fucking brought that up every other fucking minute. Hey, I just put 2 and 2 together. Remember Decker's side-pipe? Can you say "Blueballs?" I can go on and on about flaws in this flick, not that it wasn't pretty to watch. Shit, I own it on Blu-ray. I mean it was in the box set of the movies and although I have never watched that DVD, I have seen it a couple times on Netflix, just cause I was bored as fuck. "Great way to kill boredom. Watch a boring Trek movie" But hell, its still Star Trek! If it sounds like I'm bitching about this particular movie, again its out of LOVE of the series. Just like you guys have said before. Just knowing that it get sooooo much better for the next few movies makes this one tolerable. "Well, until 'Star Trek 5' anyway." "What does God need with a Starship"? Shit, hope I didn't spoil anything for you? Guess we'll find out when we get there. Guess that's my 'Rant' for this movie. Till next time, Tammy sends Her Love. Brycecakes p.s. since things are calming down a bit here at home. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to be on the next show for Khan? Just let me know in advance of what day and time you guys record on. I will have to do the time conversion and make bloody sure I'm not working. I promise Tracy that I will bring my best possible 'Canadian' accent to the show with as many ooots and abooots as you can tolerate. The only thing I will not say is "Eh" That "word is not in my vocabulary. Sorry to disappoint you over that.