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Occupy Enterprise
From: Marc Thomas
Hi Trek Friends ME----I have some fan art here. The Enterprise detailed Merry Pranster style, google for reference if y'gotta, but suffice to say, likewise paint jobs dotted the nation highways in the "cheap as gas" days as retired school busses were snapped up by counter culture communes The faux Mondrian of The Partridge Family's guzzlin' set'a wheels was the establishments attempt to cash in on this far out happening, slightly after it had gone outa vouge. anyway....oh by the way, I like the way Vaughn compares the Federation to a pyramid scheme... BONG----Hey Trek TV man, this is Bong, the Klingon Hippy from the Mirror Universe pickin' at my batlute and gettin' all mellow with ya. HERBERT--And I am Herbert ME---Oh hey dudes, y'wana discuss this very special episode of… BONG--When ever you saw hippies on television, in a flick or under stage lights like the broadway musical "Hair", what you seeing, was bad vibes and the squares eye view HERBERT--This episode exemplifies that, to a degree, which doesn't make it any less valid. And it's rather transgresiive of the writers to have their signiture character,Mr. Spock gettin' all reachie here BONG-- Vulcans are way uptight thats true, but also full of Wu. Way spiritual ME----Speaking of bad trips, indeed quite sad,uhhhhh around the same time as the death of Steve Jobs, the actor Charles Napier who played the, tight with Spock, folk rocker also passed on. He was a well employed character actor, look for him in an episode of DS9. BONG----Don't harsh my buzz man. ME--Getting back to the subject of fan art, the latest Julep, was really well designed again, and of course funny. Go to Julians website, his photo montage art is georgeous and you get to see the man him self in a suit. First Tracy and now Julian, when did Trekkies merge with the attractive class? Leaves old school nurd bitches like me and Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons feeling a tad catty. Lemme find a t-square to adjust my nipple geometry. That's better. Oh good, I'm hot again (loud music and increasing so) HERBERT--Can you turn down that infernal racket BONG-- Hey man, if its to loud your too old ME--Nope, this aint gonna work, I thought we could all do a voice mail togather for this very special episode of TOS but those two always twist themselves into a squabble, minutes into it. Goodbye opposing points of view, time to beam out Herbert--Good Heavens! He's 'toking' on a Doomsday Machine! Peace, love and Granola, MARC