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Half n Half
From: Marc Thomas
Hi Trek TV Friends, This is one of the two iconic fables of racism to emerge from the 1960's. Interesting that it's stark symmetry of opposable, unsaturated black and white, is accompanied by equivocation over whose side in this conflict deserves our moral support. While we are meant to clearly despise the bigoted imperialistic Bele, our sympathies for Lockai are tempered by his reciprocal prejudice and presumed sacrifice of disciples to the cause of revolution. Does this episode truly seek a neutral journalistic appraisal of the situation, or were the writers simply knuckling under the man's thumb,afraid to go all in for extreme social change. While one side is clearly the aggrieved in this situation, the moral conclusion of the story over all is one of equal culpability for both sides. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield is summed up neatly in a scene where Lockai says to Bele "Genocide for my people is the plan for your utopia" while Kirk looks on blankly, unsure what the problem is. In a episode that is purportedly all about the evils of bigotry it seems odd that it should begin with Spock pontificating over the prone Locai in eugenic platitudes concerning humanoid complexions in terms of what is and what is not normal. The bi-tonal guests are from Charon? Long before the discovery of Pluto's co-dwarf or moon of the same name. Oh just checked Memsie Alph, different spelling, But still... It's from the Southern most part of the galaxy. Think there could be some symbolism crashing loudly in the subtext here? Trek had to work hard to stay on the air in the recently and reluctantly desegregated south. When we see Locai ranting to the young crew members about racial injustice, Mr Sulu is seen listening attentively and his remark that no such thing occurs on Earth anymore is hopeful and a little poignant when you remember that George Takai spent part of his childhood in a WW II relocation camp for American citizens whose ancestry could be traced to Japan. Because I know this one so well, the big reveal of their black and white sides mirroring each others has long since been spent, But the first time I saw this episode that really blew my tiny little beardless mind. I can't help but focus on the distinction now in two Charonites every scene together. I hope Sharon writes to weigh in on this episode about people from a planet which shares her name. Again different spelling but still…. Oh, the other iconic fable from this era are the Grinches sibling property The Star Bellies Sneeches and those who have no stars upon thars. I would like to think that in a future remaster of this episode we could replace the dueling ballerinos with the aforementioned Dr Seuss characters. This will probably have to wait until I have a computer program cable of executing this sort of graphic fuckwithery. But if I do that, I will ruin the elegant couplet of two adjacent episodes featuring Batman villainy. Riddle me this, "Whats black and white or Question Marked all over?" Frank Gorshon who also wore form fitting dance leggings for his otomottapia laden battles against, once again, Adam West's colorful bad on purpose masterpiece of lanterned jawed heroics. We get one more aborted countdown to self annihilation here, another beloved plate of TOS left overs, warmed over. Well spoofed in Galaxy Quest this scene elicits the observation that James Doohan did not have the sort of teeth which belong in a television close up. Website commentary time, and once again I'd like to comment on the fan art tab Back in the early days of the Down Load Tracy and Photoshop Her Challenge hereafter denoted as the DLTAPSHC, Colin submitted four contributions which seem to very cleverly skirt digital manipulation by printing out the download and working them over with glue and hilariously typewritten captains. It was brilliant. Now he has doubled back with the software in hand and created a gorgeous christmas card, having adorned a conifer with Tracified ornaments. It a beautiful image. Colin also gave us Santa Tracy, which is just bizarre and hilarious. You really covered the bases dude, well done. Another great podcast Tracy and Vaughn, your 'That Which Survives' outing was fun and avuncular. I feel that I was remiss however in failing to note that the unfamiliar surgeon seen in that episode was Dr. M'Benga, you have seen him before Vaughn he was featured prominently in-----as the expert in Vulcan medicine who slaps the snot outa Spock. As the oldest of the regular Trek TV eMail staff it was my job the point that out in my fan letter. It won't happen again. Hopefully my failed Holiday Opera will be ready by the time the next podcast airs. It's not better than my Flying Brain Parasite video, but certainly less horrific. Your's in nihilism Feliz Navidada Uncle Marc