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A kiss from a rose
From: Colin H
Hello Trek family Well it appears as if my last email arrived post recording. Ah the luck of it I hope my one to Santa arrives ok. The winds of commerce gave me a hell of a week, still such is the life in international espionage. But I digress let's discuss another view of the future, that harkens to the past again!. Still at least it was not the Romans, speaking of whom I guess there conquest of Greece was when the children of Plato High tailed it out of there. I wonder where they hid the spaceship, maybe the Oracle of Delphi can tell us, unless that was them. Whilst on the subject of ancientness, yes that is a word, how come they never stopped of to see Apollo on the way home, he was after all the epitome of what they sought. Plus if they had Scotty may not have got beat up and Spock may not have had to do a high land jig. Still like the crap in the sink bowl that our friendly Policeman had to er investigate, all good things come to pass. Vaughn I personally think you would be welcome with open arms on the Enterprise, how so you ask. Well with your brewing capabilities Scotty and the Doctor would welcome you with open Arms, that would actually make a good pub name, The Open Arms. Speaking of the Doctor he actually gets to hypo someone who wants to be injected, but alas it's a man. Still any port in a storm I guess in McCoys Case. A point in question if they knew after this episode that this drug gave them powers, why was it never used again?, why Kirk alone could have used it to undress all manner of women!. One final note the infamous kiss, it was not supposed to be Kirk who kissed her. But the Shat( can we move on from rear functions yet?) argued it would be better if he did it. Do you think If it was Spock or the good Doctor it would have been different,? Well my discourse is done so while we awaiting your travel to China I say, Live long and Podcast my friends Which ever continent you are on Colin Sent from my iPod