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Extra Stuff I Wanted to Say But Couldn't Due To Sofa Surfer Intrusion
From: Marc Thomas
HI Trek TV Friends' Here's another all text extra. I forgot to say that I dislike the Star Fleet Flag from AND THE CHILDREN SHALL LEAD . Boy a lot of work went into that. Remember, my views on each episode are products of my own emotional reaction to them. Mine are not so much critical reviews as personal ruminations. No more hate mail from after last week, all though, no all out billet doux after this. I'm calmly affectionate towards most (big qualifier) of the rest of the series. I appreciated Sharon's shout out to Vulcan, Alberta. My dear departed Grandmother was from there, or the wild west-lands that would, one day, become that city. I wanted to put a photoshop ear-pointed pic of her on the fan page but my Dad and Uncles would probably object. Red necks, no one else in the family think's it's cool. So glad to have a voice mail and accompanying text from Colin, what music was that? Really nice. And I'm so glad Alan is keeping up the correspondence. Wow, what chase scene. Alan Alda, I get it. There is a TOS/MASH fanfic crossover on the internet somewhere. It's well, you know, fan-ficky. This weeks audio E, from me, is a bit more psycho than usual. Spock's Brain is the last episode of the series that elicits this sort of stuff from me. I wanted to embrace the moment, thank you for your continuing indulgence. Marc