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Spock's Brain (The title is funny enough as is)
From: Marc Thomas
Communications officer? if you please, lay down that dope, Steve Jobs, tech house beat. This is it, this is what it's all been building up to…it's Hi Trek TV friends , SPOCKS BRAIN edition! It's a long fourty plus year decline after this, unless you like good Star Trek Famously the cast complains about how embarrassing this episode was for them, but I think some one knew maybe gene coon, maybe Marcky Marc Danny Boy, someone knew they were making the most perfect work of absurdist theater in that century. Its hilarious and I can't believe it was an accident. Well I could, but I won't. It gets funnier every time that someone says SPOCKS BRAIN, it rises to a Wagnerian crescendo as the lead Go Go Girl melts down under Kirk's cross examination…get ready to party (insert Brain What is Brain? Dance Mix) This song is available at all fine perforated music scroll retailers, suitable for player piano or calliope Gene Coon hid behind a nom de plume for this one,dude! Own it! It's amazing! Just as every Trek has a time travel episode, a cowboy episode....what other perennials were there? Every Trek with a Vulcan should have a missing brain episode. These women should be eventually be revealed as recitavist brain nabbers, having stolen T'pols brain earlier and later having fled to the delta quadrant with there amazing Ion propulsion, well, just imagine Janeway stomping around a cave demanding Tuvoks Brain Missed opportunities Brannon, Braga. JJ pay attention. Even the non brain parts are good, like Checovs oral presentation in front of the whole class and Scotty's weird obsession with Ion Power! Yeah Ion power is cool, for us. The current Dawn probe uses this propulsion system, the first example was SERT (space Electric Rocket Test) launched on july 20 1964. But Scotty you have Warp drive, which is a form of magic it's so much better than ion drive, move on pal. This will be the most exciting thing Scotty see's until he meets two aliens on a mule And what a control devise for Spocks body! Can you imagine the fun they were having with that before McCoy took him down to the cave? "Nurse Chapel put down the remote and stop screwing around" Another great scene is when we see one of the subterranean brain snatcher ladies perform a pantomime phaser attack for her cavemates as the captains log supplemental tells all I hope Jarod was watching this one. When you see Cave men on the planet, you know caves can't be far behind. You Know, I've always liked fake caves, but until Jarod pointed out the over use of these in Star Trek I never knew why. I think most of my aesthetic preferences are TOS generated. Jarod has through out the course of this podcast helped me to self- diagnosed the souse of my pseudo claustrophilia. Speaking of cavemen, I love that the one with the nicely trimmed bangs thought the landing party were girls and speaking of the landing party PHASERING ROCKS to warm up! This is one of my favorite, as mentioned last week, trek things. Did they ever do that in the TNG era? If not strike two! I better see missing Vulcan brains and glowing rocks aplenty in the next movie or I quit. and speaking of Jarod… script for television promo COWBOY DAN:Boy Howdy Mrs Tracy, it's plain dark in this here space cave TRACY : Ha Ha Ha (as phaser purrs) VOICE OVER: On the next Star Trek: Tracy the Space Girl … a mission to archeolgate the caves of Sigma Draconus Six. When rocks are phasered by Tracy for illumination SCOTTISH HOUSE GUEST OF MINE: Well that puts things in a whole new light new light COWBOY DAN: Good one Scotty SCOTTISH GUEST, ACTUALLY, NOT A TREK FAN, HAS NO IDEA WHY HE'S READING THESE LINES: I'm not Scotty, I'm a real Scottish guy VOICE OVER: Mysterious alien cave art is unveiled aswel as crewman Jared's secret past Right after That Girl staring Marlo Thomas MARLO THOMAS: Don't call me a girl, asshole! I am woman hear me roar!….Respect me as a person!" No relation to Julian or me as far as I know, click the fan art tab for Tracy, at last, in a cave. So that's it, Spocks Brain. If this was your first time diggin' this groovy trip, far out, if this was an encore viewing, right on. It's as good as it gets or ever got. If you thought it was really stupid, well then man, you just don't get it. Or maybe your just really smart, and I don't, because my salon bouffant thinking cap is one the fritz and I my mental mojo is way low. Either way lemmie holler a quick call back to last weeks podcast… It was awesome! But I gotto go, we'll talk about it later Love Marc