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Filthy Canuck
From: Colin H
(I'm trying to put something together on the audio front but if I don't pull it off, y'all go ahead and read this ya hear) Hello Trekmates How the devil are you, I never noticed you said filthy a lot until you highlighted the fact, I guess the mind gets used to certain things then filters them. Tracy I loved the Kirk impression at the start, well unless you was actually threatening to kill Vaughn, well you did hit him later. Have to keep your guard up Vaughn. Anyway to the episode. Did you notice at the start when Kirk gave the course change, the dramatic music went straight in. It was well before Sulu said anything a bit preemptive, unless the sound men assumed we all knew the neutral zone coordinates. Which naturally we do. In regards to your queries about the Romulans using Klingon ships. This covered in a book. The Klingon cruisers where a far better design than what the Romulans had, so in exchange for cloaking technology the Klingons gave them cruisers and design help. It also explains how the Klingons gained cloaking technology. I have to point out at this juncture that I did like Tracy's singing in this cast, I think if you get the analogue microphones, with the aluminium look you could do a trek band. Maybe do a duet with David Bowie, Singing Major Tom together. Anyway I digress in true Trek tv style I may add. Back to the show. Spock yet again kills Kirk, but using a technique akin to an alien face hugger. McCoy now used to Spock killing his Captain takes it in his stride. "his dead Spock.... Again". Incidentally if the Romulan's and Vulcan's share a common heritage, how come only Vulcans can do the nerve pinch and face hug?. But then the Romulan hussy was busy saying," do you like my ass?", Kirk must have been thinking "dam I should be humping that ass not Spock". Mind you I doubt Kirk has aromatic fingers, but if you cast your mind to the movie "Search for Spock". He and Sarek perform a similar ritual when he enters Pon Farr. I guess it's a touch telepath thing. Oh and thanks for the ass reference Tracy, put me right off my chocolate breakfast cereal. Speaking of Tracy wow wish I had known you in 6th grade, whatever that is. All I needed was a floppy... Sheesh that would have been a piece of cake. Anyway you have to give Kirk and Spock credit. Being more devious than a Romulan takes some doing. So credit where it's due, although sexy ass maybe should have an eye test. Oh T'pol did screw Tucker, Spock also had sex after being hit by the jizz plant. So no Pon Farr needed to bonk a Vulcan. One final episode thing, how come you never see another Federation cloaked ship? Plus how come armed with the tech they never developed a defence. Now before I go Mark I creased up at the Jayneway bit, seriously funny my friend. Hats off to Julian for another great comic and thanks to commander bricecakes of the Bsg ship blue one for clearing his nickname up. Finally Tracy Vaughn calls you a Klingon and you hit him, is that not reinforcing the point. Mind you laying waste to Canada on a rampage is also very Klingon. Oh and Tracy we all knee and pay homage to our Queen of Trek all hail Tracy.... Mind you your wearing a red uniform so you'll be dead soon. Now I need a Klingon opera writer and another picture of my ass. Live long and podcast my colonials Colin