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I am Woman! Hear me Roar!!
From: Alan
Hey guys Alan Again. Alright I guess its time for me to shed some light on the whole Brycecakes thing. I know Sharon had some confusion towards that moniker and its time to explain it to my new Trek family. You see again its an inside joke between my brother and I. We call each other Bryce, who was a High School friend of my brother's who was more of a forced-on friend than a real friend. He was a nerdy, greasy looking, know it all who my brother didn't like much at all named, you guessed it Bryce. My brother's name on his podcast is Hotcakes so I kind of merged the two names together and that's how I write into his show. Or I did. I'm currently not talking to him, he pissed me off. So although I did promise you that I would I would get a shout-out for your show it hasn't happened yet. I will get it done though a promise is a promise and I can't stay mad forever. Oh Brotherly Love! No more updates as far as new Trek meetings. Maybe Lt. Ryan listens to your show and heard us making fun of him. Ooops. And as for quitting my job to attend more meeting would be very hard for me to do. You see I work as a Police Constable, so sometimes life has to take a back seat to putting away the bad guys. Although I have been known to wear a communicator badge pinned to my uniform. I get some pretty strange looks when I pull people over. Who says cops have no sense of humour. As far as Tracy's comment about the Kirk vs. Picard before I was in the police force I served in the Royal Canadian Navy so I know how command structure on a ship should be. Not that Picard is sexy. If I was a chick I'd be into him too. Now back to last weeks show. I disagree with Mark Thomas. This is one of my favourite episodes, the racial stereotypes aside I just like the whole premise and Mirimani was very easy on the eyes. But then again like I stated before I also like Spock's chicks in that one too. Speaking of Mark all he need do is ask and I'll gladdy give him a ride in the "Trekkie Car" We could pimp out the Trek meetings properly. Next time you're back in Canada be sure to stop in. It might not be Banff but you guys can sponge off me any time. Now I don't want to be outdone by your newest fan "Gibby" I too have built many of the kits and am proud to share with you. I will not however be putting them into a tree. "These are my children Margery, treat them as your own." Holy Shit two simpsons quotes in as many weeks. So attached is some pics of them. Also I attached a pic of Spock, or should I say Dr. Spock. You'll see that I have him dressed up as the famous baby doctor. Or the next best thing...Enjoy. More fan art anybody? Guess that's it for this week. Tammy sends her Love, Byrcecakes